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UEFA disgusted by Marseille incidents

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Disciplinary proceedings have been opened against the Russian Football Union. UEFA also expresses its utter digust for the violent clashes that occurred in the city centre of Marseille.

Disciplinary proceedings opened against the Russian Football Union
Disciplinary proceedings opened against the Russian Football Union ©UEFA

UEFA expresses its utter disgust for the violent clashes that occurred in the city centre of Marseille, and its serious concern for the incidents at the end of the match inside Stade Vélodrome.

This kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable and has no place in football.

Disciplinary proceedings have been opened against the Russian Football Union (RFS) for the following events occurring inside the stadium: crowd disturbances, setting off of fireworks and throwing of missiles. A decision on the sanctions to be imposed will be made within the next few days, once the RFS has been able to submit written statements and evidence.

UEFA acknowledges that there were segregation issues at Stade Vélodrome and will implement corrective measures to strengthen the deployment of security personnel at stadiums, in close collaboration with local authorities.

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