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New Respect Campaign launched for UEFA EURO 2016

Media Services Media Releases

New campaign features Blaise Matuidi, David Guetta and Pierluigi Collina.

New Respect Campaign launched for UEFA EURO 2016
New Respect Campaign launched for UEFA EURO 2016 ©Getty Images

028 - New campaign features Blaise Matuidi, David Guetta and Pierluigi Collina

UEFA is proud to announce the launch of its new Respect Campaign #CelebrateFootball for UEFA EURO 2016. The campaign is anchored by a TV spot featuring French Football star Blaise Matuidi, UEFA EURO 2016 Music Ambassador David Guetta and UEFA Chief Refereeing Officer Pierluigi Collina. The short film promotes the celebration of football among fans of all countries, cultures, backgrounds and abilities in a spirit of respect.

“EURO is a unique occasion to mingle, to share experiences, to get to know people, and to live passion and emotion together”, says former referee Pierluigi Collina. “Respect is everything and football without respect cannot live.”

French midfielder Blaise Matuidi adds: “To see all these people united with the same passion is the definition of Celebrate Football. All together. Let’s be united during this competition.”

The #CelebrateFootball campaign will have a strong online presence throughout the tournament on the Twitter, Facebook and Instagram platforms. UEFA has a social media activation where it will encourage football fans to celebrate football by posting video content of themselves doing the “Mexican wave” alone or together with family, friends or colleagues. The #EUROwave activation will aim to keep the longest wave ever going throughout the tournament.

“We really want people all over the world to celebrate football with us! We are counting on fans everywhere to post videos of their waves and we will be handing out some unique prizes to the most entertaining or original ones”, says UEFA Chief of Communications and Media Pedro Pinto.

The Celebrate Football campaign will promote the five key pillars of Respect for the tournament: diversity, fan culture, health, environment and accessibility for all. The TV-spot will be aired by over 130 broadcasters during each of the 51 matches in the tournament. The Celebrate Football message will be also visible in the stadiums on LED boarding, during stadium activities and in match programmes.