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Invite to clubs to host Match Against Poverty


Top-flight clubs throughout Europe are invited to submit proposals to stage the UEFA-backed Match Against Poverty organised by the United Nations Development Programme.

Participants, including UEFA President Michel Platini, in last year's Match Against Poverty in Berne
Participants, including UEFA President Michel Platini, in last year's Match Against Poverty in Berne ©Keystone

Top-flight European clubs are invited to submit proposals by 29 October 2014 to host the 12th Match against Poverty, organised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and backed by UEFA.

This popular annual event is staged by the UNDP in partnership with UNDP goodwill ambassadors Ronaldo and Zinédine Zidane. The primary objective of the Match Against Poverty is to showcase the UNDP's Millennium Development Goals, to launch new partnerships in support of achieving these targets, and to mobilise resources to be used for projects that have a direct impact on poverty reduction. The match also provides an opportunity for the host country – from its citizens, through its private sector, to the government – to unite in aid of solutions to global poverty.

"This initiative has played an important part in raising significant funds for UNDP projects around the world and UEFA is pleased to be associated with it," said UEFA President Michel Platini. "I attended last year's game in Berne and thoroughly enjoyed watching so many football legends joining forces for a good cause. I look forward to next year's edition, and hope that it will also be a success."

"We are very thankful for the great support UEFA has provided to the Match Against Poverty through all these years and we are looking forward to working together again for the completion of another very successful edition," said UNDP ambassadors Ronaldo and Zidane.

Matches Against Poverty have so far taken place in Basel (December 2003), Madrid (December 2004), Dusseldorf (December 2005), Marseille (March 2007), Malaga (November 2007), Fez, Morocco (November 2008), Lisbon (January 2010), Athens (December 2010), Hamburg (December 2011), Porto Alegre, Brazil (December 2012) and Berne (March 2014).

Call to proposals in English, French and Spanish

More information on the Match Against Poverty

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