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Prof. Pierre Rochcongar mourned


The third vice-chairman of the UEFA Medical Committee, Prof. Pierre Rochcongar, who has passed away at the age of 69, was a much-respected medical figure in his native France and throughout Europe.

Professor Pierre Rochcongar has passed away at the age of 69
Professor Pierre Rochcongar has passed away at the age of 69 ©UEFA

European football and UEFA are mourning the passing of the third vice-chairman of the UEFA Medical Committee, Professor Pierre Rochcongar, at the age of 69.

Prof. Rochcongar was the national team doctor of the French Football Federation (FFF) from 1988 to 1993. He then served as chairman of both the FFF Medical Committee and the Clairefontaine Medical Centre, and was considered a key reference in the world of football medicine in France.

Prof. Rochcongar joined the UEFA Medical Committee in 2011, and was named its third vice-chairman in 2015.

He was closely involved with UEFA EURO 2016, where he served as the FFF chief medical officer. He was responsible for organising a network of regional doctors to support the team base camps, transfer hotels and stadiums, and his contribution was essential to the success of the tournament.

Born in Rennes in 1947, Rochcongar was in charge of the biology and sports medicine department at the CHU in Rennes, as well as a highly renowned professor at Rennes University. He was also the president of the Société Française de Traumatologie du Sport from 2004 to 2006, and president of the Société Française de Médecine du Sport between 2006 and 2010.

On 14 July 2010, he was elected to the French Chevalier (Knight) degree with the Order of the Légion d'Honneur.

UEFA Medical Committee chairman Dr Michel D'Hooghe paid tribute, saying: "Professor Rochcongar was a monument in the world of football medicine. He demonstrated great leadership in the medical department at the FFF for many years.

"As a member of the UEFA Medical Committee, he played an important role in the medical preparations for EURO 2016. Above all, he was highly appreciated by the committee, and he will be greatly missed. We have lost an eminent colleague, an experienced sports practician and a great friend."