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Irish football mourns 'Milo' Corcoran


"Irish football will be a little poorer without him," said Football Association of Ireland president Tony Fitzgerald after it was announced that former FAI president Michael 'Milo' Corcoran has died.

Michael 'Milo' Corcoran at the unveiling of his portrait at FAI Headquarters in 2012
Michael 'Milo' Corcoran at the unveiling of his portrait at FAI Headquarters in 2012 ©Sportsfile

The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) said "Irish football will be a little poorer without him" as it was announced that their former president, Michael 'Milo' Corcoran, has died.

Corcoran, once a member of the UEFA Youth & Amateur Football Committee, was FAI president between 2001 and 2005. He has since served on the FAI board and as chairman of the FAI international committee, where he remained as committed as ever to raising the standards of football development throughout the country.

"In Milo Corcoran, we have lost one of Irish football's true gentlemen. It is with great sadness that I learned of his passing on Monday evening and my thoughts are with his family," said Tony Fitzgerald, FAI president.

"Milo made a huge impact on so many levels to improve football in this country and his contribution is simply invaluable. From grassroots right up to being FAI president, he made a difference wherever he was and that will be his legacy.

Corcoran was a regular at his beloved Waterford United, where he served a variety of roles, including club chairman.