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The benefits of diversity


In the official UEFA publication UEFA•direct, UEFA President Michel Platini emphasises that football can act as a force for positive change in helping build a more tolerant society.

Respect. No to Racism campaign logo
Respect. No to Racism campaign logo ©AFP/Getty Images

UEFA can rightfully take pride in the fact that it has been the first major international sports organisation to systematically put respect for diversity and the fight against discrimination on the agenda.

I recently had the honour, in Rome, of chairing the fourth in a series of Respect Diversity conferences that began in 2003. Some might argue that 11 years on, despite the strict enforcement of a zero tolerance policy, TV awareness campaigns and hundreds of disciplinary sanctions, the fight for diversity has still not been won. They would, of course, be failing to see the scourge for what it really is – our society is as blighted by racism as it is by sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, discrimination against the Roma and other attacks on human dignity.

As I have said time and time again, and I repeat it because there is no getting away from it, the problems we experience in our stadiums are no more or less than a reflection of the wider problems affecting society at large.

Does that mean football should simply look on and wait for others to do something about it? That is certainly not how I see it. At all levels – from the streets to the stadiums where the Champions League is played – football is a shining example of human diversity and fraternity.

We are in a privileged position from which to demonstrate all the benefits of amicable, harmonious and uplifting diversity. Skin colour, world outlook, gender, faith and so on have nothing to do with footballing ability or friendships off the field.

I want football to fulfil its promise to the millions of young men and women who believe in its magic and believe that it is a force for positive change that can build a more tolerant and more peaceful society. Football welcomes, includes and integrates. It does not exclude anyone. It does not discriminate against anyone. It helps to make the world a better place. That is what I believe and what I stand for.

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