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Debrecen crowned champions of Hungary


Debreceni VSC are champions of Hungary for the seventh time, a 2-0 defeat by Budapest Honvéd FC meaning they finished top, ahead of Győri ETO FC, on goal difference.

Debrecen celebrate their title triumph
Debrecen celebrate their title triumph ©www.mlsz.hu

Debreceni VSC won their seventh Hungarian First League title in ten seasons despite a 2-0 defeat by Budapest Honvéd FC on the final day of the season.

Debrecen were almost assured of the championship prior to the final round of fixtures due to their three-point advantage over Győri ETO FC and their vastly superior goal difference. However, they made it hard for themselves, their own loss and Győr's 5-0 victory against Mezőkövesdi-Zsóry SE meaning both teams finished the campaign on 62 points.

"Congratulations to the players and everyone who works at the club and has contributed to the cub becoming champions again," said Debrecen coach Elemér Kondás. "Though we are sad that we have been successful in this way, after losing, it wasn't by virtue of this match but of the whole year that we were able to achieve this, which we are very happy with."

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