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Berbatov staying at Monaco

"I feel at home here," said AS Monaco FC striker Dimitar Berbatov after signing a new contract keeping him at the club for their 2014/15 UEFA Champions League return.

Dimitar Berbatov (centre) is enjoying life at Monaco
Dimitar Berbatov (centre) is enjoying life at Monaco ©AFP/Getty Images

AS Monaco FC striker Dimitar Berbatov has signed a new contract keeping him at the club for their 2014/15 UEFA Champions League return.

The 33-year-old former Bulgarian international joined on 31 January from Fulham FC to fill the void left by Falcao's long-term injury. Overcoming a slow start, the ex-PFC CSKA Sofia, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, Manchester United FC and Tottenham Hotspur FC forward scored four goals in his last three Ligue 1 games.

"I feel at home here," Berbatov said. "I expect an intriguing season." Monaco will start the UEFA Champions League in the group stage ten years on from losing the final to FC Porto.

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