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Austria Wien cap 'unbelievable year' with title

Coach Peter Stöger paid tribute to a committed FK Austria Wien side after they wrapped up their 24th Austrian Bundesliga title in style, avoiding a potentially thorny final day.

Austria Wien celebrate after capturing the title
Austria Wien celebrate after capturing the title ©GEPA

FK Austria Wien have wrapped up their 24th Austrian Bundesliga title in style with a comprehensive 4-0 win against SV Mattersburg giving them an unassailable eight-point lead going into the final day.

Peter Stöger's side had one hand on the trophy even before kick-off, with five points separating them from second-placed FC Salzburg, the outgoing champions. Within 12 minutes their grip was vice-like as goals from Alexander Gorgon, Markus Suttner and Tomáš Jun left them 3-0 up, and there was no way back for relegation-threatened Mattersburg. A second of the night from Gorgon, who had also teed up Jun's strike, sealed a 4-0 win eight minutes after the restart.

"From a sporting point of view, it's the best day of my career," said Stöger, a four-time champion as a player with Austria Wien and SK Rapid Wien. "It has been an unbelievable year with this team. It's my best title because I found a side that gave 100% the whole year round. Alongside that, we have also collected a record points haul. It's just great."

Austria Wien would have been crowned for the first time since 2005/06 even in defeat since Salzburg, now destined for second, let a 2-0 lead slip against SV Ried, drawing 2-2. The top two face each other on Sunday in the final game of the season, when relegation matters will be decided.

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