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Vitesse grieve after the death of Theo Bos

Former Vitesse defender and coach Theo Bos has died at the age of 47, with the club's technical director Ted van Leeuwen saying: "He was always true to himself."

Former Vitesse defender and coach Theo Bos has died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 47.

Nicknamed 'Mister Vitesse' after spending his entire playing career – from 1983–98 – in Arnhem, Bos made 17 UEFA Cup appearances for the Dutch side and was honoured when the south stand of their Gelredome stadium was named in his honour. After hanging up his boots, he trained Vitesse's youth teams and returned as head coach in 2008 following a spell in charge of FC Den Bosch. He later coached KSP Polonia Warszawa and FC Dordrecht.

"We are full of shock and disbelief, even though we knew it was coming," said Vitesse technical director Ted van Leeuwen. "Theo had a calm temperament, he was loyal and, above all, he was always true to himself as both player and coach. He was the boss, but he never made himself the centre of attention."

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