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Andreasen re-elected in the Faroes


Christian Andreasen has been re-elected as president of the Faroe Islands Football Association, saying: "We have a positive environment around the association."

FSF president Christian Andreasen
FSF president Christian Andreasen ©Hans Erik Danielsen

Christian Andreasen has been re-elected for a four-year term as president of the Faroe Islands Football Association (FSF) at the national body's 34th general assembly.

Andreasen had been nominated by all the FSF's member clubs, and said: "Over the last few years, we have achieved stability. We have a positive environment around the association, and the cooperation has been good."

The 53-year-old is now looking to broaden the appeal of football in the Faroes. "It's important to get as many people as possible playing football," he said. "To reach this goal, we must support the voluntary work that is being done at the clubs. It's especially important when it comes to youth work. The improvement of football must happen at the clubs. The conditions must therefore be as good as possible."

The president also emphasised the invaluable assistance given by UEFA to the association, particularly in supporting youth football.

A goalkeeper for B68 Toftir's Tofta Ítróttarfelag in his youth, Andreasen studied law at the University of Copenhagen and went into practice back in the Faroe Islands. Elected to the committee of the FSF for the first time on a two-year mandate in 1986, Andreasen worked as a legal adviser to the governing body before returning to the committee in 2002. He was first elected president in 2010.

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