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Stipe Pletikosa's Croatia career

One of the stars of Croatia's 2006 FIFA World Cup and UEFA EURO 2008 campaigns, goalkeeper Stipe Pletikosa made his 100th appearance for his country on Wednesday.

Stipe Pletikosa's career ©AFP/Getty Images

One of a trio of Croatia players celebrating their 100th international appearances on Wednesday night (along with Josip Šimunić and Darijo Srna), Stipe Pletikosa made his debut in 1999 and was his country's first-choice goalkeeper at the 2002 FIFA World Cup aged only 23. An injury lay-off allowed Tomislav Butina to take his place at UEFA EURO 2004, but Pletikosa was the first name on the team sheet once more at the 2006 World Cup and UEFA EURO 2008.

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