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Begić elected as NFSBiH president


Elvedin Begić will serve a four-year term as president of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Football Federation (NFSBiH) after being elected to the post at the association's assembly in Sarajevo.

NFSBiH president Elvedin Begić will serve a four-year term
NFSBiH president Elvedin Begić will serve a four-year term ©Fedja Krvavac

Elvedin Begić has been elected as president of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Football Federation (NFSBiH).

At the association's assembly in Sarajevo, a new executive board was constituted, comprising 15 members. In accordance with the NFSBiH statutes, the presidents of the entity associations, Mile Kovačević (FF RS BIH) and Mato Jozić (FF F BIH), directly joined the committee.

Begić will serve a four-year term as NFSBiH president. In recent years, he served as vice-president of the NFSBiH normalisation committee. Darko Ljubojević and Ivan Beus will serve as association vice-presidents.

Following a proposal by FIFA and UEFA, delegates at the assembly unanimously approved the establishment of a mediation committee consisting of six members, including four of the normalisation committee – Ivica Osim, Sead Kajtaz, Duško Bajević and Faruk Hadžibegić, with the two remaining members to be chosen at a later stage.

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