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Football family mourns Mátyás Imre


The European football family is in mourning after learning of the death of Mátyás Imre, the Hungarian journalist and UEFA media officer, who has passed away at the age of 55.

UEFA media officer Mátyás Imre
UEFA media officer Mátyás Imre ©Gábor Baricsa

UEFA has been deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mátyás Imre, a Hungarian journalist and UEFA media officer who passed away on Saturday at the age of 55.

Mátyás, who first became a UEFA media officer in 2009, wrote several books on football and worked for newspapers including Nemzeti Sport, Sport Plusz and Napi Ász. He also served as a photographer for the Hungarian Football Federation (MLSZ) and founded his own football website.

Despite his illness, Mátyás was still active until a few days before he passed away, working in Donetsk as a media officer at UEFA EURO 2012 and returning to Budapest after attending the quarter-final between Spain and France in Donetsk.

With his death, UEFA has lost a true friend as well as an enthusiastic and committed colleague. The thoughts of the European football family are with his family and loved ones.

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