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Stramaccioni confirmed as Inter coach

Andrea Stramaccioni has been confirmed as the permanent coach of FC Internazionale Milano after agreeing a contract which will tie him to the Nerazzurri for the next three years.

Andrea Stramaccioni has agreed a three-year deal with Inter
Andrea Stramaccioni has agreed a three-year deal with Inter ©Getty Images

Andrea Stramaccioni has been confirmed as FC Internazionale Milano coach after agreeing a contract until 2015.

The 36-year-old was promoted from his position as youth coach in March following the departure of Claudio Ranieri, and led the side to sixth place and UEFA Europa League qualification, winning five of his nine games in charge, including the Milan derby.

The deal could be announced only after the coach was admitted to the UEFA Pro coaching course by the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) which Stramaccioni will attend between October 2012 and May 2013. "We gave him a long term contract because it's fair to give him time to organise his work," said Inter president Massimo Moratti. "We want to build the Inter of the future with him."

Inter will enter next season's UEFA Europa League in the third qualifying round as they participate in the competition for the first time since its inception in 2009.

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