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UEFA's grassroots aim

Women's football development - Grassroots ©KNVB

UEFA's drive to bolster women's football goes hand in hand with the strengthening of the grassroots women's game – a move designed to give every girl and woman the opportunity to get involved.

Within UEFA's strategy, women's football is recognised as its own entity – as a skilful, dynamic, technical game promoting 'pure' football with integrity and proven values.

As part of increased grassroots activities throughout Europe, chances should be provided for all girls wishing to play football within their neighbourhood or village, regardless of skill or talent, affording them a safe environment in which to play to their own targets.

The UEFA blueprint is comprehensive and far-reaching. It highlights the need for strong club structures, as well as the creation of clubs in each neighbourhood or village.

All UEFA member associations should have a recruitment plan and a player pathway to help each player individually to achieve their full potential and fulfil their ambitions, as well as to draw up a career plan. Highly qualified coaches, referees and administrators, with special emphasis on women, should be recruited and trained to facilitate the growth of the girls and women's game at all levels.

Positive development also requires good facilities and match organisation, and the stadium and playing or training facilities available in the female game should meet the age, level and aspirations of the players. Matches should be played in a suitable environment for spectators and the media; volunteer participation should be promoted; and the focus should be on families in the push to bring more fans to matches.