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Research projects unveiled in Nyon


Four research projects chosen last year for the 2010/11 season have been presented to the UEFA research grant jury at the House of European Football in Nyon, Switzerland.

The 2010/11 UEFA research grant project researchers
The 2010/11 UEFA research grant project researchers ©UEFA

UEFA's research grant jury has heard the findings from the four research projects chosen last year for the 2010/11 season, in a meeting at Nyon's House of European Football.

Dr Jean William (De Montfort University) opened proceedings with her findings under the topic 'Women's Football, Europe and Professionalisation 1971-2011'. She was followed by Dr Geoff Walters (Birkbeck, University of London), whose research centred on corporate social responsibility in European football.

Two French research projects then took centre stage. Lilia Douihech (Université Paris 9 Dauphine) presented 'Le droit au pari des organisateurs de competitions sportives, instrument de lutte contre la fraude?' (Betting duties in favour of the organisers of sports competitions – an instrument in the fight against fraud?).

Dr Stanislas Frenkiel (Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard) completed the 2010/11 research project presentations with findings on professional football players from Cameroon in France in the period since 1954.

All four researchers answered specific questions from the research grant jury members and were thanked for their invaluable work on behalf of European football.

"There are some very interesting endeavours there," said jury chairman William Gaillard of the research projects. "The football community tends to be quite insular – we live in a fishbowl. Very often we think of football as a unique phenomenon.

"What the academic world brings to us is a slice of reality. They all contribute to making us understand better the reality that we are confronted with, and to escape from our insular position."

In recent years, UEFA has become increasingly involved with the academic community by launching several initiatives with the aim of generating research which produces findings that help the European football family in its decision-making process.

The research grant programme emphasises UEFA's commitment to supporting the work undertaken by doctoral and post-doctoral researchers investigating European football. UEFA has a core mission to develop the continental game and promote principles such as unity and solidarity.

High-quality research helps shed new light on various issues and specialist areas within European football, and furnishes UEFA with key support in fulfilling its mission. The research grant programme is open to both social science research and medical research, while the jury comprises a chairman, four representatives of the European football family and four academics known internationally for their work in European football or sport.

UEFA research grant jury members
William Gaillard (chairman, UEFA), Nodar Akhalkatsi (UEFA National Team Competitions Committee member), Michel D'Hooghe (chairman, UEFA Medical Committee), Per Ravn Omdal (UEFA honorary member), Giangiorgio Spiess (UEFA honorary member), Paul Downward (professor, Loughborough University), Jan Ekstrand (professor, Linköping University and first vice-chairman of the Medical Committee), Mikkel Draebye (professor, SDA Bocconi, Milan) and Gérald Simon (professor, University of Burgundy, Dijon).

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