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Duka re-elected as Albanian FA president


Armand Duka is beginning a third successive term of office at the helm of the Football Association of Albania (FShF) after he was re-elected at the organisation's general assembly.

Duka re-elected as Albanian FA president
Duka re-elected as Albanian FA president ©uefa.com 1998-2010. All rights reserved.

Armand Duka has been re-elected as president of the Football Association of Albania (FShF) for a third successive term.

Duka, a businessman and graduate of economics from Tirana University, has been president of the FShF since 2002, and has been instrumental in a modernisation programme for football in Albania. "I'm pleased with the result," he said, "and have already started to work with my new plan to improve the level of our football, both domestically and internationally."

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