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Fursenko gets Russian mandate


Sergei Fursenko has pledged to develop infrastructure and nurture a positive, winning mentality within the country's footballers after being elected as president of the Football Union of Russia.

Russian Football Union president Sergei Fursenko
Russian Football Union president Sergei Fursenko ©RFS

Sergei Fursenko has been voted as the new president of the Football Union of Russia. He replaces the current national minister for sports, tourism and youth policies, Vitali Mutko, who has been at the helm since April 2005.

Fursenko was born on 11 March 1954 in Leningrad (now St Petersburg), and has had a distinguished career within the Russian gas industry. In December 2005, he became the chairman of the board at FC Zenit St Petersburg, and served as club president from January 2006 until March 2008.

The new RFU president said immediate objectives would, among others, involve developing infrastructure and nurturing a positive, winning mentality within the country's footballers, especially youth players.

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