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Perfectionist Grings demands better

Germany striker Inka Grings said "we still need to improve" despite the defending champions' impressive 4-0 victory against Norway giving them early control of UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2009™ Group B.

This Inka Grings goal was disallowed but Germany still celebrated victory
This Inka Grings goal was disallowed but Germany still celebrated victory ©Sportsfile

Germany striker Inka Grings said "we still need to improve" despite the holders' impressive 4-0 victory over Norway giving them early control of UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2009™ Group B.

Winning run
Three goals after the 89-minute mark ensured the European and world champions continued their impressive run of consecutive victories in the UEFA European Women's Championship that stretches back a decade. Grings, however, is adamant there is still more to come from Silvia Neid's team, chasing a fifth straight title.

"We made life difficult against Norway by not taking the chances we created, but the win is the main thing," Grings told uefa.com. "We can be very pleased with the result in the end, although we weren't 100 per cent focused. I think we have to be self-critical, despite the result, and we still need to improve."

Regain focus
Grings feels Norway, too, have another gear or two to slide into, even though all she is thinking of now is taking on fellow Matchday 1 winners France on Thursday. The FCR 2001 Duisburg striker, who was the leading scorer in Germany's UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2005™ triumph, said: "Norway can play much better than they did against us. Their performance showed they still have to deal with the recent changes in their team, but they are still among the favourites for me. Now we must focus on the next game, though. France will be even more compact and it's going to be an even more interesting game."

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