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Heart problem leaves Thuram in limbo


France captain and centre-back Lilian Thuram is considering retirement at the age of 36 after being diagnosed with a heart defect during medical tests.

Lilian Thuram has discovered that he has a heart condition
Lilian Thuram has discovered that he has a heart condition ©AFP

Time to consider
France's most capped played of all time having made 142 appearances for his country, Thuram was expected to sign a one-year contract at Paris Saint-Germain FC, with the option of a further 12 months, after leaving FC Barcelona. But medical tests revealed the cardiac condition on Thursday. "It seems that it is the same thing that my brother had a few years ago and which cost him his life on a basketball court," Thuram said. "I will have more information in a month's time and will decide whether to end to my career." France's captain at UEFA EURO 2008™, Thuram has represented AS Monaco FC, Parma FC and Juventus, and won the 1998 FIFA World Cup and UEFA EURO 2000™ with Les Bleus.