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UEFA exhibition in Liverpool


Only a Game?, which draws parallels between the history of European football and that of the EU, heads to England.

Liverpool's passion
Bolstered by its success in Brussels, the Only a Game? exposition will soon be crossing the Channel to spend the winter on Merseyside. Liverpool was anything but a random choice: not only does the city in north-west England have an inherent passion for football, being the proud home to Everton FC and Liverpool FC, two clubs of mythical proportions; but Liverpool is also a 2008 European Capital of Culture.

Football city
Olivier Guilbaud, the man behind the exhibition, said: "It's great to be able to take Only a Game? to Liverpool because it is a city whose passion for football remains second to none in Europe. Thanks to its location, the World Museum should enable people from all over the region and beyond to visit the exhibition." The World Museum, one of Liverpool's national museums, will host Only a Game? for four months. The museum, located in the heart of the city, was created in 1853 and enjoys international renown.

Europe through football
The aim of the exhibition is to invite the public to (re)discover and contemplate Europe through football. To this end, the recipe for success which proved itself in Brussels will be applied in Liverpool. Only a Game? will bring together a wide range of objects and images, characteristics of the city's attachment to local and European football, and various high-tech elements, with a view to making it as fun and interactive as possible.