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PSV thrown out of Dutch Cup

PSV Eindhoven have been disqualified from the Dutch Cup for fielding an ineligible player, the banned Manuel da Costa, in their 3-0 victory at Jong SC Heerenveen.

Manuel da Costa played against Jong Heerenveen while suspended
Manuel da Costa played against Jong Heerenveen while suspended ©Getty Images

PSV Eindhoven have been thrown out of the Dutch Cup for fielding an ineligible player in their 3-0 win at Jong SC Heerenveen last night.

Automatic exclusion
The Royal Netherlands Football Association decided to exclude PSV from the competition because defender Manuel da Costa played despite being suspended for one Dutch Cup match after picking up two bookings in last season's tournament. With the Eredivisie title-holders disqualified, Jong Heerenveen – Heerenveen's second team – will take PSV's place in the third round.

'A huge blunder'
"This is a huge blunder that cannot be justified," said PSV general manager Jan Reker. "I have immediately decided to make drastic changes to the internal procedures regarding these kinds of administrative matters. The cup is a beautiful prize that we always want to win. Now we cannot win it, and that is more than regrettable for the players, staff, fans and sponsors."

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