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Nawałka takes charge at Wisła

Wisła Kraków have appointed their sporting director Adam Nawałka as head coach, his third spell in charge as he replaces Dragomir Okuka.

Wisła Kraków have appointed their sporting director Adam Nawałka as head coach.

Third spell
The 49-year-old club legend and former Polish international midfielder has replaced Dragomir Okuka, who was released on Friday. Nawałka, who previously took charge at Wisła in two spells in 2000 and 2001, becomes the club's third coach this season with Dan Petrescu having begun the campaign at the helm.

Title aim
Nawałka, whose team have bowed out of the UEFA Cup and are fifth in the league, said: "The sporting aim is precisely determined and it is to win the Polish title. I think this can be achieved and that is why I have accepted the challenge." Kazimierz Moskal remains assistant coach.