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Dortmund bring in Tinga


BV Borussia Dortmund have signed the 28-year-old Brazil midfield player Tinga on a three-year contract from Porto Alegre side SC Internacional.

BV Borussia Dortmund have signed Brazil midfield player Tinga on a three-year contract from Porto Alegre side SC Internacional.

Libertadores success
The 28-year-old, who helped his club win the Copa Libertadores last night, impressed Dortmund managing director Michael Zorc on a recent trip to South America. "We expect Tinga to arrive over the weekend and are happy that he will be adding more quality to our team," he said. Tinga revealed that fellow Brazilian Dede had helped sell the club to him, saying: "Dede has told me a lot about Dortmund and the club. I am really looking forward to meeting the fans."