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Sochaux bid farewell to Bijotat


FC Sochaux-Montbéliard are looking for a new coach after parting company with Dominique Bijotat, with Alain Perrin a possible replacement.

FC Sochaux-Montbéliard are looking for a new coach after parting company with Dominique Bijotat this morning.

Perrin linked
The 45-year-old has been in the job since replacing Guy Lacombe last July but was unable to meet the club's Ligue 1 expectations, with Sochaux finishing the 2005/06 campaign in 15th place. Bijotat, who had a year left to run on his contract, has left the club with immediate effect. Sochaux president Jean-Claude Plessis has met with former Portsmouth FC manager Alain Perrin but has not yet appointed a successor for Bijotat.

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