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More despair for Dunn


Birmingham City FC's David Dunn is out for the season after breaking down with a long-standing hamstring injury.

Persistent problem
The 25-year-old, who has not played since 26 December, has been sidelined with hamstring complaints five times in the last two years, and is now set to undergo a back operation to clear up the problem. Medical experts believe that movements in Dunn's back are causing the injuries and have decided that surgery - which is expected to keep Dunn out of action for between four and six months - is the best solution.

'Horrific season'
"We have explored everything over the last 14 months," said the English Premiership side's manager Steve Bruce. "David has a movement in his back which sends triggers down his hamstrings so it needs to be repaired. The operation is not serious or career-threatening, and hopefully he can come back for next season. It has been a horrific season for him, he is such an infectious player and statistically when he has been in the team we improve rapidly."

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