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Bojinov bound to Lecce


Bulgaria striker Valeri Bojinov has signed a contract extension at US Lecce, tying him to the club until 2009.

Record breaker
The Bulgarian international, who has already scored eight goals in 13 matches this season, will now stay at Comunale Via del Mare until 2009. The youngest non-Italian to play in Serie A when he made his debut as a 15-year-old in January 2002, Bojinov played 28 games for Lecce last season and was selected for the Bulgaria UEFA EURO 2004™ squad this summer despite never having played at full international level.

Sowing the seeds
He is the third player to renew his contract with Lecce in the last two days after Cedric Konan and Cristian Ledesma. Lecce are eighth in Serie A with 17 points in 13 games.

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