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Hughes jailed for six years


West Bromwich Albion FC have ended Lee Hughes' contract after the striker was sentenced to six years in prison.

Newly-promoted Premiership club West Bromwich Albion FC have terminated the contract of Lee Hughes after the striker was sentenced to six years in prison on Monday.

Dangerous driving
The 28-year-old was convicted of dangerous driving in the death of Douglas Graham in November 2003, a spokesman for Coventry Crown Court said. Graham, 56, died after Hughes' Mercedes ran into a Renault, in which he was a backseat passenger, near the city of Coventry shortly after midnight. Hughes, who was convicted by a jury after a six-day trial, had denied the charge.

Contract cancelled
His club later issued a statement saying Hughes's contract, which had two years left to run, had been terminated following the outcome of the trial. "The club would like to take this opportunity to express its deepest sympathies to the Graham family on the loss of Mr Douglas Graham," the statement added.

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