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Gil presides over full life


Jesús Gil y Gil, who has died aged 71, was a charismatic figure in Spanish football.

Business career
He was born on 11 March 1933 in Burgo de Osma, Soria. After studying economics at university, he worked as a car salesman and then in the construction business. As a young man, Gil played football regularly, preferring central defensive role.

Atlético role
The game took a more important part in his life when he took over the presidential seat at Atlético on 26 June 1987 on the eve of the team's defeat to Real Sociedad de Fútbol in the Copa del Rey final. During his stint with the madrileños, Gil won the club's last league title in 1995/6 and three Copa del Reys - in 1991, 1992 and 1996. His presidency ended last season when he was replaced by film producer Enrique Cerezo.

Marbella mayor
Gil's involvement in constructing property in the Spanish seaside resort of Marbella aided him to be elected mayor of the city in September 1995. His efforts to clean up Marbella won him support from the local community but his mayoralty ended in 2001.

Final days
The 71-year-old suffered a stroke on 5 May and was rushed to hospital. His condition deteriorated and was reported to be paralysed down the right side of his body and kept on artificial ventilation. He is survived by his wife, Maria de los Angeles Marín Cobo and son Miguel Ángel Gil Marín.