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Figo set for fundraiser


Wednesday's charity match in Porto is not the only good work done by the Luis Figo Foundation.

By Onofre Costa

High-profile event 
The match at the Bessa stadium is the organisation's most high-profile event yet - featuring top players like Ronaldo, Raúl González, Andriy Shevchenko, Ruud van Nistelrooij and Zinedine Zidane - and marks the end of a three-day football business conference in Portugal.

'Unique opportunity'
"We hope the event will be a sell-out - it is a unique opportunity to see so many big stars in action," Luis Vicente, general secretary of the Luis Figo Foundation, told uefa.com. "A lot of people were surprised by the number of stars Figo managed to bring here to Porto. That goes to show his prestige, how well respected he is, and how willing all the players and coaches are to help those in need."

Figo appeal
Figo himself said: "I'm counting on the Portuguese public to come and support the children and young people in need. It was very difficult to gather so many top players on the same day, so I hope it's a good match that everyone can enjoy."

'Helping young people'
Of the Luis Foundation, Vicente added: "Figo had this foundation in mind for a long time. He was planning to implement it near the end of his career but things progressed fast and here we are. He had both the idea and the will to help Portuguese young people.

'A decent chance'
"He wants to give young people without economic resources the chance to develop their talents while avoiding falling into the trap of drugs, alcohol and crime as so often happens. Figo wants these young men and women to have a decent opportunity to be successful in what they enjoy most."

Education and sport programme
The charity has launched four projects to achieve its targets. An educational and sporting programme, the Luis Figo Academy, has been established in co-operation with Portuguese educational institutes with the intention of nurturing promising young talents and helping them fulfil their potential.

Figo to the fore
The foundation is also supporting events during the European Year of People with Disabilities. In August, Portugal will host the European Football Championship for people with disabilities, a competition in which Figo will be fully involved. The foundation also aims to help children with terminal illnesses realise some of their dreams.

University challenge
The charity has signed a government protocol to increase sports in universities as well. The idea is to create a competitive model in Portugal similar to the United States system whereby scholarships are awarded to the best students and athletes, and personal trainers delegated to the most promising talents.

'We want more Portuguese superstars'
"The idea behind this project is to stimulate the talents when they need it," said Vicente. "We want Portugal to have more superstars. Figo is arguably the most prestigious Portuguese ambassador and has an image all the country is proud of." Figo is using that prestige to benefit his newest, and arguably most worthy, challenge.

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