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Málaga prepare Peiró departure


Málaga CF have announced that they are to part company with Joaquín Peiró, their coach of five years.

'The best thing'
Málaga president Serafín Roldán said: "I would have liked it if Peiró had been able to stay for another year, but after giving the matter due thought, I reached the conclusion that the best thing was for him to go at the end of the season. I hope I am not wrong, and that this is for the good of the club."

New territory
With a game to go in the Primera División, Málaga are 12th in the table. Peiró, who this season led the Andalusians into the UEFA Cup for the first time in their history, said: "They have decided to end my reign as coach even though the supporters wanted me to stay. There haven't been any problems between me and the directors - maybe they just wanted a change."

Uncertain future
Peiró, who played for and coached Club Atlético de Madrid, added that he would decide "whether or not to continue in football" after his contract ran out on 30 June.

Stay or go
Meanwhile, Málaga are also to release three players whose contracts expire at the close of the current campaign. Goalkeeper Rafael González, defender Mikel Roteta and midfield player Alejandro Sierra 'Sandro' will leave La Rosaleda, but goalkeeper Pedro Contreras, defenders Fernando and Francisco Javier Bravo, and striker Julio Dely Valdés will be offered new terms.

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