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Alkmaar players agree pay cut

The players at financially troubled AZ Alkmaar have reached a settlement regarding a wage reduction.

The players at financially troubled Dutch Eredivisie club AZ Alkmaar have reached a settlement with the board regarding a reduction in their wages for next season.

Chairman demands cut
Two weeks ago Alkmaar chairman Dirk Scheringa demanded that the players agreed a pay cut in their wages of 30 per cent or upwards in order to make it possible for the club to get a playing licence for next season. The players refused this request but announced that they were prepared to negotiate. "We want to talk in the interests of the club," said player spokesman Peter Wijkers.

Agreement reached
Now it has emerged that on Thursday evening the players reached an agreement with the club, although the details of the deal have not been made public.

Stadium problems
Alkmaar's financial troubles stem from continuing problems with their new Kooimeerplaza stadium. They had hoped to have the venue ready for the start of the 2003/04 campaign but a series of hearings and appeals - which are finally over - delayed the building process until at least 2005.

Adriaanse developments
Meanwhile, Co Adriaanse now seems more likely to stay at the club. The coach expressed concerns about the falling ambition at Alkmaar two weeks ago and threatened to leave, but this week, after a meeting with the board, he has reconsidered.

'Maybe enough'
"A change has been made," Adriaanse said. "It is still not in the way I was told when I was appointed last season, but maybe enough to make me continue here. We might be able to sign some free transfers."

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