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Van Basten takes first coaching steps


Marco van Basten will co-coach AFC Ajax's second team next season after being awarded a coaching licence.

'Technical staff' 
A former Ajax player, the 38-year-old returned to the Amsterdam club last season where he acted as an assistant to Danny Blind, the coach of Ajax's premier youth team. However, Van Basten has confirmed that he will now work as an official coach alongside Van't Schip, saying: "I will be added to the technical staff and will run the second team along with John."

Numerous honours 
Van Basten, who has been appointed for one season, left Ajax in 1987 to join AC Milan. In Italy he developed into one of the world's great players, winning numerous honours including the European Footballer of the Year award in 1988. Van Basten won 58 caps for the Netherlands.

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