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Gil to quit Atlético post


After 16 years in charge, Jesús Gil will leave his post as president of Club Atlético de Madrid.

Jesús Gil will leave his post as president of Club Atlético de Madrid tomorrow, after confirming his resignation to the club's board of directors. However, Gil will still be the main shareholder of the club.

Power vacuum
It remains to be seen who will fill the power vacuum at the Vicente Calderón, although vice-president Enrique Cerezo is the main candidate to replace Gil at the moment. Gil announced he was quitting last week and he leaves the presidency in the middle of Atlético's centenary celebrations.

Twenty-six coaches
This season was the 70-year-old Gil's 16th in charge of Atlético, in which time the club have had 26 coaches. He has overseen a double win in 1996, relegation in 2000 and promotion back to the Primera División last year.

Aragonés leaving
In March the club's sporting director, Paulo Futre, left his post after several high-profile run-ins with Gil and coach Luis Aragonés has said he will be leaving at the end of the season though he still has a year to run on his contract.

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