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Dudka released by Amica

KS Amica Wronki have released defender Dariusz Dudka, who was involved in a fatal car accident.

Prison threat
Dudka was behind the wheel of a car which killed a 50-year-old man in a collision in the city of Szczecin in the early hours of Friday morning. Subsequent police tests found that Dudka was over the legal limit for alcohol consumption. In Polish law, causing death through drink driving can carry a 12-year prison sentence.

Contract ended
Dudka has since learned that his Amica contract has been cancelled with immediate effect. "From today, 30 May, Dariusz Dudka is no longer a player of Amika Wronki. I would like to send my condolences to the family of the dead man," Amica president Wojciech Kaszynski said in a club statement.