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Wright seeks his chance at Everton


Arsenal FC goalkeeper Richard Wright has agreed a €5.5m move to FA Premiership rivals Everton FC.

Richard Wright, the Arsenal FC goalkeeper, was set today to move to the London club's FA Premiership rivals Everton FC for €5.5m in an attempt to gain first-team football.

Future international goalkeeper
Wright, who has been touted as a future international goalkeeper, has been at Arsenal only one season but failed to dislodge David Seaman, the England No1 goalkeeper, from between the posts at Highbury.

Agreed terms
Seaman has recently extended his contract for a further year at Arsenal, prompting Wright's decision to move on rather than face a season of frustration. The 24-year-old, whom Arsenal signed from Ipswich Town FC for €9.5m in the summer of 2001, has agreed terms with Everton and looks likely to sign tomorrow.

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