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Tirol hold on to Kogler and Hörtnagl


FC Tirol Innsbruck have signed Walter Kogler and Alfred Hörtnagl to less lucrative deals.

Austrian Bundesliga champions FC Tirol Innsbruck have started reducing their wage bill by signing veterans Walter Kogler and Alfred Hörtnagl to less lucrative deals.

Five-point deduction
Tirol will begin next season with a five-point deduction as punishment for running a reported €24m in debts this season. Kogler, a 34-year-old defender, and 35-year-old midfield player Hörtnagl, both former Austrian internationals, were out of contract. Each has accepted less money to continue with Tirol.

'Accepted lower wages'
"Both accepted lower wages because of the financial situation of FC Tirol,'' said club manager Robert Hochstaffl. "This shows that they have a heart for the club. Although the financial circumstances are difficult, the sporting conditions are very good here and I still have a lot of goals with FC Tirol,'' continued Kogler.

'Experienced players'
Coach Joachim Low added: "For the forthcoming season it was absolutely necessary to keep these experienced players.''

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