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Servette president stands down


Michel Coencas has resigned as president of FC Servette, but will continue to work on the board.

Michel Coencas has resigned as president of FC Servette because of the financial concerns surrounding the Swiss club.

Four-strong team
Even though he has relinquished his role as the club's figurehead, Coencas will continue to run Servette along with Alain Rolland, Chritian Hervé and Olivier Maus. The four are working in tandem to gather the necessary finances in order to prevent a licence refusal for next season.

Sponsor troubles
Eleven months ahead of the opening of their new stadium, Servette are facing an uncertain future as their sponsor, the French pay television channel Canal+, has significant financial troubles. "Canal+ has always fulfilled its duties, but we are ready to cover all the debts," said Hervé. Servette are currently €1.2m in debt.

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