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Profile: Hrygorii Surkis

The president of the Football Federation of Ukraine outlines his vision.

Hrygorii Surkis

Nationality: Ukrainian
Date of birth: 4 September 1949
Profession and function in football:
President, Football Federation of Ukraine 
Member of the Ukrainian parliament

Election statement: “We need to (strengthen the priority given to fair play and the sporting spirit) both in professional football and in youth and amateur football. At the same time, we need to stimulate the development of youth and amateur football on a large scale and improve the interrelations and interaction between amateur and professional football. By the same token, we must also modernise football relationships on the basis of balanced and constructive co-operation between 'big' and 'small' football countries and also 'new' ones. It is also important to optimise assistance programme management by expanding the EEAB’s representation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe." 

Football souvenir: "In 1961, when I was 12 years old, I was a supporter of Dynamo Kiev and, that year, my team became USSR champions for the first time.“

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