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Profile: Imre Bozóky

The president of the Hungarian Football Federation outlines his vision.

Imre Bozóky

Nationality: Hungarian
Date of birth: 20 October 1953
Profession and function in football:
President, Hungarian Football Federation
Former player with Szeol Szeged and Kecskernet
Former international assistant referee

Election statement: "(I give priority to club licensing) with special emphasis on countries of mid- and Eastern Europe. In these countries, football should reach a higher level, and this cannot be done without the help and support of UEFA. In these countries, there is a need for the introduction and implementation of a UEFA coach education programme. I also attach great importance to the reforms concerning club competitions and those concerning the operation of national teams (to improve the level of football in Eastern and Central Europe)."

Football souvenir: “I was an assistant referee in the 1996 European Championship semi-final between England and Germany, which was a great feast for the European football family.”

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