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Profile: Angel María Villar Llona

The UEFA Executive Committee vice-president sets out his vision.

Angel María Villar Llona

Nationality: Spanish
Date of birth: 21 January 1950
Profession and function in football:
President, Spanish Football Federation
Member of the FIFA Executive Committee
Former player with Athletic Club Bilbao
Former Spanish international

Election statement: “To achieve specific sports regulations in the European Union; to work towards getting relations between UEFA and FIFA back to normal; to reinforce the position of the national associations as the only representatives of football in their countries, and to increase the prominence of their role in UEFA; to accord financial support to the national associations from UEFA’s revenues, in order to promote football in each country; and, last but definitely not least, to defend the national competitions."

Football souvenir: "I remember my first-ever match. I was eight years old and playing for my local team."


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