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Profile: Eggert Magnusson

The president of the Football Association of Iceland outlines his vision.

Eggert Magnusson

Nationality: Icelandic
Date of birth: 20 February 1947
Profession and function in football:
President, Football Association of Iceland
Former president of Valur FC

Election statement: “The presidents of the national associations should have a greater role to play in the relationship between their respective football associations and UEFA. We must always look to the future. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s role models for football, whether they become fans, players, coaches, administrators or referees. We must therefore continuously try to improve all aspects of the game, making sure it remains the world’s favourite sport. Finally, relations between UEFA and FIFA should be improved, as, for me, a closer and more transparent relationship with FIFA is important for all UEFA members. All UEFA member associations have to stand firmly together to protect the interests and influences of UEFA within FIFA."

Football souvenir: ”It was a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon in September 1998, with a cool hint of autumn in the air. Iceland was playing host to World Champions, France, for what would be the visitors first competitive match after capturing football’s grand prize in June. In front of an expectant and excited crowd, all of a sudden there was Zidane, Desailly, Petit, Lizarazu and Barthez. What followed during the next 90 minutes constitutes one of the most unforgettable and proudest moments in the history of Icelandic sports. In the 36th minute, Rikhardur Dadason managed to head in the first goal.

"We were 1-0 up against the World Champions. But France equalised soon after and left Iceland with a grateful point. You only had to be in Reykjavik that night to witness just how much the game of football means to people. It seemed the entire Icelandic nation was in the city that night dancing and singing in the streets until the early hours. Anyone would have thought we had just won the World Cup! It is memories such as this that we as football fans live for."

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