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Profile: Franco Carraro

The president of the Italian Football Federation outlines his vision.

Franco Carraro

Nationality: Italian
Date of birth: 6 December 1939
Profession and function in football:
President, Italian Football Federation
Former president of Milan AC
Former president of the Italian Olympic Committee

Election statement: “A clear identification of the competences of FIFA and the continental confederations (is needed), in order to eliminate tensions or misunderstandings and allow us to resolve problems together. It is also necessary to reinforce the dialogue between associations, leagues, clubs, referees, players and coaches. My other priorities are the harmonisation of the international calendar, without superfluous competitions, dynamic management of the club competitions by UEFA, respecting national competitions, and a cautious policy with regards to the exploitation of the TV rights to international competitions so as to avoid drying up the domestic markets. It is also important that the European Union rules take account of the fundamental needs of football, primarily to ensure the protection of young players, national identities and contracts. Finally, we must keep a constant eye on the policy and actions of the European Union, especially when they can have an impact on football, particularly as regards the financing of projects at national level, and especially those concerning the development of grassroots and youth football."

Football souvenir: “A special memory? There are so many…”

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