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Tobacco-Free Stadia Guidelines


New guidance on implementing effective tobacco control policies has been issued to assist clubs, sports organisations, stadium operators and governing bodies.

For UEFA, the health and safety of stadium users is paramount
For UEFA, the health and safety of stadium users is paramount ©Getty Images

A set of new guidance materials to help sporting organisations implement effective tobacco control policies at sports stadiums has been published. This will be instrumental in countries with tobacco control legislation that does not cover stadium environments.

A third of the UEFA member association countries operate completely smoke-free stadiums. Guidelines drawn from these nations have been compiled into a document to help clubs, stadium operators and sporting governing bodies in other countries to operate completely smoke-free policies.

Commenting on the matter, Peter Gilliéron, chairman of the UEFA Fair Play and Social Responsibility Committee, said: "As part of its commitment to promoting active and healthy lifestyles, UEFA is glad to see the publication of new guidance to assist national associations and clubs who wish to implement tobacco control policies. Such policies protect the health and safety of all stadium users at football matches across Europe through the elimination of second-hand smoke."

Key topics covered by the tobacco-free stadia guidelines include:

  • Dangers of tobacco usage and second-hand smoke
  • Benefits of adopting tobacco control policies and support from stakeholders
  • Defining smoke-free and tobacco-free policies
  • Recommendations on going beyond national tobacco control legislation, including FC Barcelona case study
  • Communication and audio-visual tools, as well as signage guidance
  • Enforcement and monitoring of tobacco control policies at matches and events

Developed by UEFA social responsibility partner the European Healthy Stadia Network, in consultation with venue managers, security managers and tobacco control experts from the World Heart Federation, the guide's aim is for all European sporting venues and tournaments to adopt minimum standard smoke-free policies by 2020.  

In addition, the UEFA club competition finals and UEFA EURO 2016 will be tobacco free.

The main guide is available in English. The short guide is available in English, French and German.

For further information visit: www.healthystadia.eu/tobacco/guidance

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