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The UEFA Club Financial Control Body (CFCB) has the important role of overseeing the application of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations.

The CFCB is an Organ for the Administration of Justice and may impose disciplinary measures in the event of non-fulfilment of the requirements set out in the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations. Its final decisions may only be appealed before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne. Importantly, the CFCB is competent to determine whether licensors (national associations or their affiliated league) and licence applicants/licensees (clubs) have fulfilled the licensing criteria or the financial sustainability requirements, and to decide on cases relating to club eligibility for the UEFA club competitions.

The CFCB is made of a First Chamber and an Appeals Chamber, both headed by a Chairman and independent from each other.

The current composition of the CFCB members was approved by UEFA's Executive Committee in June 2023 for the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2027.

Regulations & publications

Procedural rules governing the UEFA Club Financial Control Body

UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability regulations

Key deadlines for the 2024/25 monitoring process

UEFA Club Licensing Regulations for UEFA Women's Club Competitions

UEFA Club Licensing Quality Standard

Regulations of the UEFA Champions League

Regulations of the UEFA Women's Champions League

UEFA Compliance and Investigation Activity Report 2021–2023

UEFA Compliance and Investigation Activity Report 2019–2021

UEFA Disciplinary Regulations

Club Financial Control Body First Chamber

The First Chamber of the CFCB acts as the first-instance decision-maker within the CFCB.

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It consists of a chairman, who heads the First Chamber and takes all necessary measures to guarantee its proper functioning, and at least three other members, including a vice-chairman.

The First Chamber has jurisdiction to:

  • determine whether licensors have fulfilled their obligations defined in the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations;
  • determine whether clubs fulfil the licensing criteria;
  • determine whether clubs comply with the financial sustainability requirements;
  • decide on cases relating to club eligibility for the UEFA competitions; and
  • decide on clubs’ requests for exceptions to the three-year rule.

In case defendants breach their obligations defined in the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations, the First Chamber may enter into settlement agreements or impose disciplinary measures exhaustively defined within the Procedural rules governing the CFCB.

The First Chamber makes its decisions in the presence of at least three members who attended the deliberations, and by simple majority.


Sunil Gulati, United States of America


Petra Stanonik Bosnjak, Slovenia

Other Members:

Jacobo Beltran, Spain
Michael Bolingbroke, England
Marco Di Siena, Italy
Egon Franck, Germany
Helmut Schwärzler, Liechtenstein

Club Financial Control Body Appeals Chamber

The Appeals Chamber of the Club Financial Control Body hears appeals against decisions by the CFCB First Chamber.

The Appeals Chamber consists of the chairman who heads the Appeals Chamber and at least three other members, including a vice-chairman.

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The Appeals Chamber makes its final decisions in the presence of at least three of its members, who have attended the deliberations, and by simple majority. The Appeals Chamber may take the following final decisions: to dismiss the case, uphold, amend or overturn the First Chamber’s decision, to accept or reject the club's admission to the UEFA club competition; to impose disciplinary measures.

Disciplinary measures include among others the following: a warning; a reprimand; a fine; deduction of points; withholding of revenues from a UEFA competition; prohibition on registering new players in UEFA competitions; restriction on the number of players that a club may register for participation in UEFA competitions, including a financial limit on the overall aggregate cost of players registered on the A-list for the purposes of UEFA club competitions; disqualification from competitions in progress and/or exclusion from future competitions; withdrawal of a title or award.


Didier Poracchia, France

Vice Chairman:

Stephen Sampson, England

Other Members:

Burkhard Balz, Germany
Luca Beffa, Switzerland
Giovanni Facci, Italy
Despina Mavromati, Greece