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2022/23 UEFA Women’s Champions League final ticket sales launched

Tickets for the final on 3 June in Eindhoven available from €15.

UEFA via Getty Images

Ticket sales for the 2023 UEFA Women’s Champions League final at PSV Stadion in Eindhoven started via knvb.nl today 13 February at 13:00 CET and will run until all the tickets are sold.

The 35,000-capacity stadium will be the first in the Netherlands to stage the final, which is scheduled to be played on Saturday 3 June. Ticket prices start at €15, with an early bird discount of 23% until 21 March.

Ticket prices:

Category 1: €25 

Category 2: €20

Category 3: €15

“This year’s UEFA Women’s Champions League final will be one of the highlight events on the football calendar, so don’t wait to buy your tickets,” said UEFA managing director of women’s football Nadine Kessler. “PSV Stadion and Eindhoven are ready to welcome fans and give everyone an unforgettable experience while witnessing the best players in the world compete to be crowned the champions of Europe.”

Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB) women’s football manager Lucienne Reichardt said: “We are definitely looking forward to hosting this game together with PSV Eindhoven and the city of Eindhoven, and we are aiming to have the final played in front of a full stadium. A game like this offers a great opportunity to witness live the best of what European women’s football has to offer.”