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First ever international football match recreated in Glasgow


Teams of schoolchildren took to the very same patch of grass that hosted the first ever international match of football, which took place between Scotland and England 150 years ago.

The Scottish Football Association (SFA) have marked the 150th anniversary of the first match of international football with teams of schoolchildren recreating the game at the same location the fixture was played.

The first ever international game took place on 30 November 1872 between Scotland and England at the West of Scotland Cricket Club, Partick, Glasgow and ended in a goalless draw. The SFA set up a re-enactment of the day at the same ground with the schoolchildren from nearby Hyndland Primary School playing out an entertaining game on a specially laid out pitch.

Scotland goalkeeper Craig Gordon surprised the schoolkids by joining in with the match and Colin and Alex Taylor, the great grandsons of Joseph Taylor who played as full-back in Scotland’s first six internationals, also attended the event. He played for Queens Park FC, the club from which all Scotland’s players for that first ever game were drawn.

Schoolchildren recreate first international match

SFA chief executive Ian Maxwell

“It is an honour to visit the West of Scotland Cricket Ground on the 150th anniversary of the first-ever international football game, to walk in the footsteps of the first Scotland team.”

The milestone date was marked as part of the SFA’s calendar of events celebrating 150 years of Scotland’s national game, including the founding of the national association itself and the first season of the Scottish Cup.

Developing football in Scotland