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Sweden – 500,000 landmark for grassroots app

The Min Fotboll app was launched by the Swedish FA ahead of the 2020 season to provide clubs with their own tool to handle live scores, streaming and user-generated content from games.

Swedish FA

“We are very really pleased at the reception of Min Fotboll. We wanted to elevate youth and grassroots football in Sweden, which really is our ‘core business’. The app has been embraced by users and clubs, which makes it a success for us,” said the Swedish FA general secretary, Håkan Sjöstrand.

Min Fotboll was created as a response to a market where a number of companies offered various different services to handle sports fixtures and results. The market fragmented football clubs into different systems, many of which raised concerns about privacy and lack of GDPR regulation.

Free to use for all clubs

Min Fotboll is integrated with the Swedish FA’s own competition database and is completely free to use for all clubs. Any money earned by a club within the app (for advertising, sponsorships or live-stream subscriptions) stays with the club and within the football family.

“It’s great to have half a million Swedes already onboard. The growth is steady, which goes to show the huge interest in youth and grassroots football. We’re happy that we can finally showcase the beauty of what happens on the pitch all over the country every day,” said Håkan Rossberg, the association’s Min Fotboll manager.

This article originally appeared in UEFA Direct 198