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Seven sign up to Referee Convention


Seven more national associations joined the UEFA Referee Convention at a formal signing ceremony in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Tuesday.

Seven more national associations joined the UEFA Referee Convention on Tuesday
Seven more national associations joined the UEFA Referee Convention on Tuesday ©Getty Images

Seven more national associations joined the UEFA Referee Convention at a formal signing ceremony in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Tuesday.

New additions
The Faroe Islands, Iceland, Malta, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Slovakia and Sweden were admitted, taking the total membership to 20, with another 30 applications from member associations in the pipeline.

Improving referee development
UEFA President Michel Platini and UEFA General Secretary David Taylor signed together with senior association officials to formally confirm the new members' inclusion on Tuesday. The aims of the UEFA Referee Convention include enhancing referee education, promoting the role of the referee and improving refereeing structures and development within the European associations.